New Law (SB 819) affects Students with Disabilities

SB 819, signed into law on July 13, 2023, represents a significant transformation in the structure of Abbreviated School Day Program Placements for students with disabilities in Oregon. This law repeals ORS 343.161 and establishes a new framework, emphasizing meaningful access, updated definitions, informed consent, regular meetings, and increased accountability.

Key Highlights of SB 819
  • Meaningful Access: Students with disabilities must have access to the same number of instructional hours as other students in their resident school district.
  • Updated Definitions: The bill broadens the scope of comparison for instructional hours and updates the definition of “student with a disability.”
  • Informed and Written Parent Consent: Schools must obtain consent from parents or foster parents before placing a student on an abbreviated school day program.
  • Regular IEP/504 Meetings: Regular meetings are mandated within specific timelines to review the student’s placement.
    Increased Accountability and Enforcement: ODE has the authority to investigate complaints and withhold funding from noncompliant districts.

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